Tango! Communication Device: "Let’s step away from the constant rat race that is consumer technology for a moment to focus on a gadget that actually aims to improve people’s quality of life rather than squeezing out a few more polygons per second. The Blink Twice company recently unveiled its new AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) gadget, the Tango! It’s a communication device for people who have communication-related impairments with pre-loaded phrases as well as enough extra features to warm the heart of geeks worldwide. It’s the first device of its kind to incorporate a digital camera along with a flash to capture life’s less well-lit moments. The Tango! can also alter the pitch of voice to make it seem like a child (or adult) is talking, as the situation merits. The SD card slot benefits from a helpful wizard that activates once a card is inserted, making uploading and downloading images a snap. Communication devices like this don’t come cheaply, however, as the Tango! carries a price of $6899. Still, for what it does and who is aims to help, the Tango! is a gadget worthy of admiration.
Tango! Presented at CSUN 2006 [Axistive]
Blink Twice [Product Page] (Thanks, Dennis!)
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