Treo launch rumor adds a price: $399 / $499

Treo launch rumor adds a price: $399 / $499: "
Last we heard from our insider in the biz, Palm was going to be launching their PalmOS-powered Treo 700p sometime around or on Monday, May 15th. Now it would seem Gadgets on the Go's gotten word from a source they deem reliable that the 700p's got a price: $399 for a new 2 year contract, $499 with a 1 year contract. (Oh, they also confirmed the same release time frame we had -- mid May ideally, early June at latest.) That sounds about right if you ask us, but there's only one way to find out: wait for the launch. Ok, well, two ways: we'll keep on inquiring, ourselves. Stay tuned, Treo nuts.
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